I think it's so funny that people make a big deal out of your first Christmas together as a married couple. Especially people who aren't the couple. Almost everyone I talked to leading up to Christmas asked me if I was excited for our "1st Christmas." Honestly, I felt like this was our "2nd Christmas" .... because it is! Last Christmas, David and I pretty much knew we were going to get married (he proposed 6 days later) so we spent the holiday like we were a committed couple. We visited each other's family and spoiled each other with far too many gifts. LOL! THAT was our 1st Christmas. So, in today's post, I'll tell you about our 2nd Christmas together :)
Christmas Eve we got together with David's immediate family. This is a feat in itself because of past tensions involving some members of the family (I won't get into it). So it was nice to have his close family together -- especially the kids. I haven't had much interaction with David's nephews and niece so this was my first "real" experience. They were cute and a lot more rambunctious then at the wedding. They were perfect angels at our wedding. LOL! Morgan, the 2nd oldest, found a little keyboard and was picking out Christmas tunes. At one point I started playing with him and teaching him the notes to "Jingle Bells." We opened some presents. Overall it was a fun visit.
The Jean Family on Christmas Eve
(back) David, Me, Annessa, Jason, Pam and Mack
(front) Wesley, Anna Ruth, Grady and Morgan |
Christmas morning David and I spent time just the two of us. My favorite gifts where a folding basket that I can use to hold some of my crafting stuff and a new bigger jewelry box. Can you believe my old jewelry box was a present from my boyfriend in High School? That tells you how long I hold on to stuff. David's favorite present was a set of remote helicopters that battle each other.
Christmas afternoon we went back to David's parent's house to have some more Christmas fun. Then we took off for Cookeville to see my side of the family. That night we didn't do much besides hang out with my parents, watch TV, and play with my niece and nephews. This is only our second time playing with my new nephew Carter. He was 2 weeks old at the wedding. Now he's 2 months.
Day after Christmas was finally my family's "Christmas Day." We had to wait until the afternoon to open presents as my sister had to work that day. My favorite gifts from my family were some books that I've been wanting to read "Crossed" & "Reached" by Ally Condie and "The Casual Vacancy" by J.K. Rowling. David got some cool grill accessories.
The Smith Family for Christmas
(back) David, Me, Tim, Dana, Katie, John
(middle) Cole, Mark, Cathy, Carter
(front) Claire and Brogan |
After my immediate family opened presents we had some of my extended family (grandparents and aunt and uncle). We always have just a simple dinner and then do a fun game of dirty Santa.
It was a great 2nd Christmas for the "new" Jean family. She got to spend quality time with a lot of family and really cherish the important things that matter during the holiday season.
I put up the decorations by myself. Probably why it didn't feel much different. LOL!