Almost immediately after David and I got engaged we discussed who we wanted in our wedding party. Without divulging too much personal information on the Internet -- there was some controversy with the groomsmen ... so David and I talked it over and we decided to keep things simple and small. That meant him having two of his friends and me having just my 2 sisters.
(Dana, Katie, Me)
I was a little disappointed. I really wanted to have my two friends Trina & Becca but it just didn't seem possible. I knew they would understand and I even found "jobs" for them to do at the wedding so they would still feel involved.
I was at peace with the decision when a couple months later I was talking with a friend at work about my sisters and the bridesmaid situation. She made a great point!! Why do you have to have an even wedding party? We started looking up pictures online of people who had more girls then boys -- or more boys then girls. And some of the pictures were actually really creative and cool. My work friend suggested if I really wanted to have my friends I needed to talk to David about it.
Not even an hour later I got a phone call from my sister Katie. SHE WAS PREGNANT!! And due 1 week before the wedding. Us sisters have always had a rule that we didn't want to be in each others wedding if we were pregnant -- so I assumed she was cancelling on me. In fact she didn't, but wanted to give me a heads up and also ask for permission to drop out if needed when the time got closer. This only solidified in my mind that I wanted to add my friends to the wedding. Because if Katie did have to drop out at the last minute I would only have one bridesmaid.
Luckily, it wasn't too late and both Trina and Becca accepted to be in my wedding! So this past Tuesday we went dress shopping. I had already picked out the dresses we just needed to find the right size.

I'm really happy that things worked out the way it did for my bridesmaids. It's great knowing the people I love the most are going to help me start my life with the man I love the most.
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