That's always a hard question to answer. If you are anything like me, I think my life is boring. I wake up, go to work, eat, then sleep. On my days off it's even more boring. I tend to catch up on all my DVR TV shows, grocery shop and maybe do a little crafting. Beyond that ... boring. So hopefully today I can tell you a couple of the things in my life that aren't boring.
1. We booked a cruise!! My parents invited David & I to go on the Allure of the Seas with them later this year. This is the same ship that we went on for our honeymoon. It's also one of the biggest, if not biggest ship out right now. Originally we had hoped to go on a cruise with David's cousins, but when that fell through this seemed like the next best thing. I know what you are thinking... a cruise with your parents? Yes. Thankfully my parents are the complete opposite of Frank and Marie in "Everybody Loves Raymond." If anything, they'll probably be running away from us to get their privacy.
2. My trip to Disneyland has been bumped up. There are a lot of vacations going on this year. Some of them are me alone, visiting some girlfriends. This is one of those. I was planning on flying out to Arizona in June to meet up with my Disney internship friend Rachel. We would then drive up to California to spend a few days at Disneyland. This week some things happened that would push that trip up a couple months. I hope to be able to buy my plane ticket next week.
3. Cancer is once again a word being using in our family. This week we found out that for the 3rd time my mother-in-law is battling cancer. Because it's not my story to be told I'll keep the details short and sweet. She initially had breast cancer. While they still label it that ... it can now be found in her lower back. Pray for peace and healing.
4. According to the doctor David has lost close to 50 pounds since we got married. Yep ... I'm starving him. LOL! Just kidding. I think its because I've never been the kind to buy chips, cookies and soda. So it's not easily at his fingertips like when he was with his parents. Meantime, I'm only about 5 pounds thinner then the day we got married. Boo!
That's all I can think of right now. So the next time you ask me "What's new?," don't be offended if I can't think of anything. Seriously ... this is the only stuff I could think of over the past month. :)
Being Mrs. Jean
Friday, February 7, 2014
Friday, January 17, 2014
4 Life Quickies
I know I don't post as often as I should. It's probably because I never really know what to talk about; or think that I have enough to say about them. So this will be a series of quick posts. Just to let you know what's happening in out life right now.
1. The regional Emmy Awards are coming up in the next week. Both David and I will be working on the crew. I've had to switch my schedule at work in order to have the weekend off. That means for the next week I'll be working a 2nd shift. It will be different for David and I not to have dinner together, but we'll make the best of it by waking up early to have a nice breakfast together.
2. I booked a flight to Montana!! My friend and fellow YouTuber Caitlin is graduating from college. Her and the girls from the YouTube channel came out to my wedding in 2012 so we are hoping to get everyone back out there for her celebration. Very excited and grateful that my work gave me the time off (during sweeps) to take this once in a lifetime trip. For what I understand Montana is incredibly beautiful.
3. David and I are getting back to a healthy lifestyle. I've been walking more often and hope to get David involved in those walks soon. I've also been keeping My Fitness Pal journal up to date better. David also bought me a polar watch for Christmas. It has a heart rate monitor to wear so you get an accurate count of how many calories you burned.
4. I started a "Line A Day Memory Book" this year. It's where every night before you go to sleep you write down something important from your day. It's only a sentence or two so you don't feel pressured to have to write a lot. It's also fast, takes me less then a minute to write it down. I keep it on my nightstand so I don't forget.
1. The regional Emmy Awards are coming up in the next week. Both David and I will be working on the crew. I've had to switch my schedule at work in order to have the weekend off. That means for the next week I'll be working a 2nd shift. It will be different for David and I not to have dinner together, but we'll make the best of it by waking up early to have a nice breakfast together.
2. I booked a flight to Montana!! My friend and fellow YouTuber Caitlin is graduating from college. Her and the girls from the YouTube channel came out to my wedding in 2012 so we are hoping to get everyone back out there for her celebration. Very excited and grateful that my work gave me the time off (during sweeps) to take this once in a lifetime trip. For what I understand Montana is incredibly beautiful.
3. David and I are getting back to a healthy lifestyle. I've been walking more often and hope to get David involved in those walks soon. I've also been keeping My Fitness Pal journal up to date better. David also bought me a polar watch for Christmas. It has a heart rate monitor to wear so you get an accurate count of how many calories you burned.
4. I started a "Line A Day Memory Book" this year. It's where every night before you go to sleep you write down something important from your day. It's only a sentence or two so you don't feel pressured to have to write a lot. It's also fast, takes me less then a minute to write it down. I keep it on my nightstand so I don't forget.
Friday, January 3, 2014
2013 Review
I stole this 2013 Survey from my friend Becca. You can check out her blog here.
I also did something similar to this last year. You can read it here.
1. What did you do in 2013 that you’d never done before?
Stayed at a Disney resort. I worked there for 8 months, but never actually spent a night at one of their hotels.
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
My resolution for 2013 was to be healthier and not be the typical couple that gains a whole bunch of weight after getting married. The first 6 months was a fail. I gained about 13 lbs. The last 6 months was a win. I lost those 13lbs. So I'm actually the same exact weight I was one my wedding day. So, I kind of kept my resolution. And yes, I am making resolutions this year. They can be seen in a video here.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
I had several friends have babies. Lacy & Rob Devlin (Ally Kate). Justin & Christa Adams (Thoryn). Wes & Courtney Trundle (Ansley). But no one in my immediate family.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
My co-worker Max Cushing. That was a hard one.
5. What countries did you visit?
None ... but lots of states.
6. What would you like to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2013?
I really can't think of anything. Believe me, my life isn't perfect but I was pretty content this year.
7. What dates from 2013 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
April 11th: The day David left his job. It was scary but exciting.
March 28th: The day we lost Max
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
David leaving his job and starting back at freelance. That may sound like an accomplishment for him, but it was also for us. We get to spend a whole lot more time together.
9. What was your biggest failure?
I'd rather not say.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
I was sick off and on for the last 3 months of the year. It was always something.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
My new scrapbook table. It's the small things!
12. Where did most of your money go?
Travel. We went to Tunica, St. Louis, Holiday World, Disney World and Navarre Beach, Florida. It was a fun year.
13. What did you get really excited about?
Disney World. It was my first trip back in 5 years and I got to take my husband. His first trip in almost 20 years.
14. What song will always remind you of 2013?
Katy Perry "Roar"
15. Compared to this time last year, are you:
- happier or sadder? Happier
- thinner or fatter? Same
– richer or poorer? Richer
16. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Friend time.
17. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Sleep. Sounds odd, but I need to learn to get out of bed at a descent time of the morning.
18. How did you spend Christmas?
Christmas Eve Eve we went to Cookeville and stayed with my family till Christmas Eve Evening. We drove back home for midnight church service. Woke up Christmas morning just David and I at home. Then over to his parents for the rest of the day. Back to work immediately after Christmas.
19. What was your favorite TV program?
Teen Mom 3 -- I'm a dork.
20. What were your favorite books of the year?
I only read maybe 2 or 3 books this year. So "The Last Letter From My Lover"
22. What were your favorite films of the year?
Hunger Games
23. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Turned 27. We had a small group of friends over to the house for a cook out.
24. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Money. Duh. Wouldn't we all love to be millionaires and not have to work and just spend all our time travelling and helping others?
25. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2013?
Jeans ... mostly with a few cool new Torrid dresses thrown in here and there.
26. What kept you sane?
My husband. Always
27. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2013.
To confront people that need to be confronted. Sometimes just letting things go isn't the best option.
28. What are your resolutions for 2014?
Refer to this video here.
I also did something similar to this last year. You can read it here.
1. What did you do in 2013 that you’d never done before?
Stayed at a Disney resort. I worked there for 8 months, but never actually spent a night at one of their hotels.
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
My resolution for 2013 was to be healthier and not be the typical couple that gains a whole bunch of weight after getting married. The first 6 months was a fail. I gained about 13 lbs. The last 6 months was a win. I lost those 13lbs. So I'm actually the same exact weight I was one my wedding day. So, I kind of kept my resolution. And yes, I am making resolutions this year. They can be seen in a video here.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
I had several friends have babies. Lacy & Rob Devlin (Ally Kate). Justin & Christa Adams (Thoryn). Wes & Courtney Trundle (Ansley). But no one in my immediate family.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
My co-worker Max Cushing. That was a hard one.
5. What countries did you visit?
None ... but lots of states.
6. What would you like to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2013?
I really can't think of anything. Believe me, my life isn't perfect but I was pretty content this year.
7. What dates from 2013 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
April 11th: The day David left his job. It was scary but exciting.
March 28th: The day we lost Max
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
David leaving his job and starting back at freelance. That may sound like an accomplishment for him, but it was also for us. We get to spend a whole lot more time together.
9. What was your biggest failure?
I'd rather not say.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
I was sick off and on for the last 3 months of the year. It was always something.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
My new scrapbook table. It's the small things!
12. Where did most of your money go?
Travel. We went to Tunica, St. Louis, Holiday World, Disney World and Navarre Beach, Florida. It was a fun year.
13. What did you get really excited about?
Disney World. It was my first trip back in 5 years and I got to take my husband. His first trip in almost 20 years.
14. What song will always remind you of 2013?
Katy Perry "Roar"
15. Compared to this time last year, are you:
- happier or sadder? Happier
- thinner or fatter? Same
– richer or poorer? Richer
16. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Friend time.
17. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Sleep. Sounds odd, but I need to learn to get out of bed at a descent time of the morning.
18. How did you spend Christmas?
Christmas Eve Eve we went to Cookeville and stayed with my family till Christmas Eve Evening. We drove back home for midnight church service. Woke up Christmas morning just David and I at home. Then over to his parents for the rest of the day. Back to work immediately after Christmas.
19. What was your favorite TV program?
Teen Mom 3 -- I'm a dork.
20. What were your favorite books of the year?
I only read maybe 2 or 3 books this year. So "The Last Letter From My Lover"
21. What was your favorite music from this year?
Michael Buble
Hunger Games
23. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Turned 27. We had a small group of friends over to the house for a cook out.
24. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Money. Duh. Wouldn't we all love to be millionaires and not have to work and just spend all our time travelling and helping others?
25. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2013?
Jeans ... mostly with a few cool new Torrid dresses thrown in here and there.
26. What kept you sane?
My husband. Always
27. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2013.
To confront people that need to be confronted. Sometimes just letting things go isn't the best option.
28. What are your resolutions for 2014?
Refer to this video here.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Celebrating 1 Year
Can you believe it? It's already been a year. It feels like yesterday ... yet it doesn't. Does that makes sense? I feel like David and I just started our life together. However, if I think too hard I start to remember everything that has come across our plate this year ... and it feels like forever.
Example? David and I hadn't even been married a month and we found out his mom had been diagnosed with cancer again. They even used the words no cancer patient wants to hear. Stage 4. I remember getting the news and thinking "this could change everything." Thanks to the grace of God, we sit here a year later knowing that he tumor markers are progressively getting smaller and smaller. Chemo is over with -- and instead we focus on maintaining the ground we've made. Will the cancer ever be gone? That we don't know. We do know though that God can take something bad and make good from it. It was during this time my husband's family grew stronger and walls that had been built started to break.
Another example? David had a major job change. Instead of a 9 to 5 and getting a paycheck every other week he decided to focus on freelance. It's a major test of faith. Not knowing if you'll have work this week or not. The first month was the hardest. Trusting that God wouldn't let us down and that we'd be able to survive with the income we did have. Again, like the other situation above, it made us stronger. David and I were finally able to spend more time together and have the marriage we envisioned. Before that it was just 3 hours a day, pop your head in the house to say hello and then run off to work. Believe me it sucked!
Anyways, enough time running down memory lane. How did we celebrate the milestone?? With Disney World of course. We had decided even before we got married that we wanted to go to Disney for our 1 year anniversary -- and not our honeymoon. We started saving right away and even booked the trip before we hit our 6 month mark. We spend an entire week at Disney. Stayed at a Disney resort ... never even stepped a foot of property until it was time to leave. Below are a few pictures of the week. Our actually anniversary day we were back in Nashville, but due to the long vacation spent most of the day sleeping. We managed to crawl out of bed to go to dinner at the Melting Pot that night.
Example? David and I hadn't even been married a month and we found out his mom had been diagnosed with cancer again. They even used the words no cancer patient wants to hear. Stage 4. I remember getting the news and thinking "this could change everything." Thanks to the grace of God, we sit here a year later knowing that he tumor markers are progressively getting smaller and smaller. Chemo is over with -- and instead we focus on maintaining the ground we've made. Will the cancer ever be gone? That we don't know. We do know though that God can take something bad and make good from it. It was during this time my husband's family grew stronger and walls that had been built started to break.
Another example? David had a major job change. Instead of a 9 to 5 and getting a paycheck every other week he decided to focus on freelance. It's a major test of faith. Not knowing if you'll have work this week or not. The first month was the hardest. Trusting that God wouldn't let us down and that we'd be able to survive with the income we did have. Again, like the other situation above, it made us stronger. David and I were finally able to spend more time together and have the marriage we envisioned. Before that it was just 3 hours a day, pop your head in the house to say hello and then run off to work. Believe me it sucked!
Anyways, enough time running down memory lane. How did we celebrate the milestone?? With Disney World of course. We had decided even before we got married that we wanted to go to Disney for our 1 year anniversary -- and not our honeymoon. We started saving right away and even booked the trip before we hit our 6 month mark. We spend an entire week at Disney. Stayed at a Disney resort ... never even stepped a foot of property until it was time to leave. Below are a few pictures of the week. Our actually anniversary day we were back in Nashville, but due to the long vacation spent most of the day sleeping. We managed to crawl out of bed to go to dinner at the Melting Pot that night.
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First arriving at Magic Kingdom |
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On the Tomorrowland Super Speedway - David's favorite ride |
A special treat a cast member gave us for celebrating our Anniversary |
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The castle during the "Celebrate The Magic show." That's Cinderella projected onto the castle. |
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Our resort at sunrise. Coronado Springs |
First arrival at EPCOT |
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Meeting the man. |
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Waiting for the Hollywood Studios to open for the day. |
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Lunch at Sci Fi Drive-In |
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Eating a lemon tart in France -- a must for me |
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David trying on silly hats at World of Disney |
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Breakfast with Lilo at 'Ohanas |
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Rockin Roller Coaster at Studios |
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Animal Kingdom |
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First arrival at Animal Kingdom |
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Nemo Musical |
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Saying goodbye to Disney -- or last night. |
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
My Upgraded Crafting Space
Our 1 year anniversary isn't for another month and half but David went ahead and gave me my present early. It's a new crafting table!! When we bought our house it came with a really nice office with built in shelves and enough space for my crafting, but this new addition will get me even more organized.
The wings of the table can be collapsed to take up less space when I'm not using it. And the bottom shelf is big enough for me to file all my stickers into categories.
My husband is the best ... meantime the monster was no help. He just slept the whole time.
The wings of the table can be collapsed to take up less space when I'm not using it. And the bottom shelf is big enough for me to file all my stickers into categories.
All my crafts are no long stored in boxes in the cabinet or closet but right at my reach.
With all the drawers I've been able to free up space on the shelves to make room for my Cricut.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Countdown to Vacations
If you've been in close proximity to me anytime over the past two weeks, then you know I'm overjoyed about going on vacation soon. Besides an overnight at Holiday World and Tunica we haven't been away for an extended time since our honeymoon. I know what your thinking ""Whine, whine, whine. Most newlyweds don't have the money to go on a vacation let alone two "days" trips. You should be happy."" And yes, I am very happy. I know that we are incredibly blessed to be able to go on not only one vacation this fall, but three. Still, it feels like it's been a very long year for the two of us, and you can't fault me for looking forward to a good time. Between a close family member battling cancer, to a job change and other more private matters it's been a LONGGG year with very little rest. It will be nice to get away from everything, especially work. Which is ironic because one of the places we are going to is my former work. We are planning a trip to the Happiest Place on Earth.
We recorded this show on our DVR a couple weeks ago. And even though we've already watched it I'm keeping it around just in case I need something to tie me over. It's no secret that I am a Disney fan. I also told people that one day I would work for Disney ... and I did. I participated in the College Program during the Spring and Summer of 2006. I was a tour guide for the Hollywood Studios Backlot Tour. The attraction is still around -- yet is much different then when I was there. In fact a lot about Disney World has chanced since I've been there. I can name several new attractions even a new "land" that has been developed since I've been there. It's been 7 years since I worked at Disney World and 5 1/2 since I've visited ... needless to say there is a lot to see.
But what I'm most looking forward to is sharing a Disney experience with my husband. He hasn't been in nearly 20 years. I could go on and on and on about my excitement but that will only annoy you. LOL!
But what I'm most looking forward to is sharing a Disney experience with my husband. He hasn't been in nearly 20 years. I could go on and on and on about my excitement but that will only annoy you. LOL!
Friday, June 7, 2013
My Relationship With Debt
Growing up I knew that my parents were very aware of just how far a dollar went. They did the best they could to teach that principal to us. From very early on if we wanted to buy something special or attend a weekend camp with the church youth group we had to work to earn it. Whether it was cleaning around the house, doing yard work or helping my mom with her cleaning clients ... we worked to get the money. Another example: As soon as I turned 16 I was told if I wanted a car, the gas to drive around and spending cash to hang out with my friends I needed a job to make that money. I was even instructed to start applying for jobs a few month before turning 16 so that I could start ASAP. We were also taught about credit cards and loans and how you had to pay back interest. We were taught, I believe, more then average person. But as the stereotype goes just because you teach someone how to fish, it doesn't mean they'll follow your instructions.
When I went away to college I signed up for my 1st credit card. I remembered everything my parents told me and stayed frugal. Or so I thought. I clearly remember the shock of getting the credit card statement and realizing I had charged almost $900 in just a few months. I vowed to not spend another dime and pay the whole thing off. But as a college student working at a fast food restaurant the money wasn't rolling into my bank account. I paid the minimum (which was barely covering the interest). I was late a few times (only increasing my interest rate more and more). And despite what I promised myself I didn't stop spending like I should have. Long story short by the time I graduated from college I had $3500 racked up on my card.
Now, I know a lot of people reading this are probably saying. "Oh, that's not so bad!" And thank God it wasn't in comparison to other people I've met. But for someone straight out of college only making $24,000 a year it was a huge deal. I still had a car payment, rent (in Nashville) and the everyday expenses like TV, internet, food, gas, etc. I continued to only pay the minimum, which again wasn't a lot.
Then in 2010 while in prayer I got a message from God. No I didn't hear a voice talking from above or anything clairvoyant. It was just a feeling ... a nudge. I was angry that I wasn't advancing at work. I was angry that I wasn't in a relationship or anywhere near a prospect. I was just all around angry. That's when I was told that if I cleaned up the messes I could control, God would clean up the ones I couldn't. From that moment on I made a big financial change. I cut back on everything and anything that wasn't a necessity so I could start make large payments on my credit card. After paying my bills and putting $600 on my card I was living off of just $75 a week. That's for food, gas, everything ... I was EXTREMELY frugal.
Slowing I started seeing the numbers go down and I felt proud of myself. But beyond that, within 6 months of starting my financial journey I got a promotion at work. And a year later I met the man who would become my husband. It was so amazing to see that if I did want God asked of me he would fulfill his promise. I was able to pay off every piece of debt except a small student loan before I got married. Thankfully my husband was also debt free besides a mortgage.
I can't tell you how important it has been to our life to be mostly debt free. It's helped us plan dream vacations together and have the freedom to do things NOW that we may not be able to do once we have kids. It also gave us wiggle room when David left his job and wasn't bringing in a paycheck for 2 weeks. We still aren't rich nor anywhere close to being millionaires, but because we don't have big bills hanging over our head it's given us peace. I'm not telling you this story to brag or make others feel bad. I'm telling you this story to prove that God will work in your life if you follow his instructions. I was there ... I was stuck in debt ... and I came out on the other side victorious.
When I went away to college I signed up for my 1st credit card. I remembered everything my parents told me and stayed frugal. Or so I thought. I clearly remember the shock of getting the credit card statement and realizing I had charged almost $900 in just a few months. I vowed to not spend another dime and pay the whole thing off. But as a college student working at a fast food restaurant the money wasn't rolling into my bank account. I paid the minimum (which was barely covering the interest). I was late a few times (only increasing my interest rate more and more). And despite what I promised myself I didn't stop spending like I should have. Long story short by the time I graduated from college I had $3500 racked up on my card.
Now, I know a lot of people reading this are probably saying. "Oh, that's not so bad!" And thank God it wasn't in comparison to other people I've met. But for someone straight out of college only making $24,000 a year it was a huge deal. I still had a car payment, rent (in Nashville) and the everyday expenses like TV, internet, food, gas, etc. I continued to only pay the minimum, which again wasn't a lot.
Then in 2010 while in prayer I got a message from God. No I didn't hear a voice talking from above or anything clairvoyant. It was just a feeling ... a nudge. I was angry that I wasn't advancing at work. I was angry that I wasn't in a relationship or anywhere near a prospect. I was just all around angry. That's when I was told that if I cleaned up the messes I could control, God would clean up the ones I couldn't. From that moment on I made a big financial change. I cut back on everything and anything that wasn't a necessity so I could start make large payments on my credit card. After paying my bills and putting $600 on my card I was living off of just $75 a week. That's for food, gas, everything ... I was EXTREMELY frugal.
Slowing I started seeing the numbers go down and I felt proud of myself. But beyond that, within 6 months of starting my financial journey I got a promotion at work. And a year later I met the man who would become my husband. It was so amazing to see that if I did want God asked of me he would fulfill his promise. I was able to pay off every piece of debt except a small student loan before I got married. Thankfully my husband was also debt free besides a mortgage.
I can't tell you how important it has been to our life to be mostly debt free. It's helped us plan dream vacations together and have the freedom to do things NOW that we may not be able to do once we have kids. It also gave us wiggle room when David left his job and wasn't bringing in a paycheck for 2 weeks. We still aren't rich nor anywhere close to being millionaires, but because we don't have big bills hanging over our head it's given us peace. I'm not telling you this story to brag or make others feel bad. I'm telling you this story to prove that God will work in your life if you follow his instructions. I was there ... I was stuck in debt ... and I came out on the other side victorious.
Matthew 6:24
"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money." .
Proverbs 22:7
"The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender."
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