For years I've followed a blogger and youtuber by the name of Hayley G. Hoover. She's about 5 years younger then me, and has a HUGE following on the internet. I once read an article about her, written by a fellow youtuber, on how and why Hayley had found "internet fame." The answer was simple ... she was transparent. She let people into her world and didn't hold back. They knew random details about her life and she shared most, if not all, of her experiences growing up. She's grown up with the internet and didn't know life any differently. That same transparent identity can not be put on me ... While my husband and parents probably think I share far too much of my life on the internet I've never had the courage to divulge as much as Hayley does.
(side note: There are some things Hayley hasn't talked about including a very nasty breakup with her equally as "internet famous" boyfriend and musician Mike Lombardo. The breakup involved the FBI and child porn charges. It was pretty big news in the Youtube world -- yet Hayley has never talked about it or answered questions about it.)
There's a portion of David and I's life that I've left quiet when it comes to the internet world. Since November 2012 my mother-in-law has been battling Stage 4 Breast Cancer. It was her second round. The first happening around 2007. I remember this because I knew David back then even though we weren't dating. I told my immediate family and a few select friends, but for the most part I never mentioned it in my youtube videos, blogs, facebook, or twitter. I didn't think it was my news to share. It was my husband's and I didn't want to step on his toes.
That being said, I do feel confident finally sharing the good news. As of a couple weeks ago doctors did another PET scan and say her tumor markers have been gettin smaller -- meaning she's beating it again! Amazing news! And news I'm willing to share with the internet world.
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