That's always a hard question to answer. If you are anything like me, I think my life is boring. I wake up, go to work, eat, then sleep. On my days off it's even more boring. I tend to catch up on all my DVR TV shows, grocery shop and maybe do a little crafting. Beyond that ... boring. So hopefully today I can tell you a couple of the things in my life that aren't boring.
1. We booked a cruise!! My parents invited David & I to go on the Allure of the Seas with them later this year. This is the same ship that we went on for our honeymoon. It's also one of the biggest, if not biggest ship out right now. Originally we had hoped to go on a cruise with David's cousins, but when that fell through this seemed like the next best thing. I know what you are thinking... a cruise with your parents? Yes. Thankfully my parents are the complete opposite of Frank and Marie in "Everybody Loves Raymond." If anything, they'll probably be running away from us to get their privacy.
2. My trip to Disneyland has been bumped up. There are a lot of vacations going on this year. Some of them are me alone, visiting some girlfriends. This is one of those. I was planning on flying out to Arizona in June to meet up with my Disney internship friend Rachel. We would then drive up to California to spend a few days at Disneyland. This week some things happened that would push that trip up a couple months. I hope to be able to buy my plane ticket next week.
3. Cancer is once again a word being using in our family. This week we found out that for the 3rd time my mother-in-law is battling cancer. Because it's not my story to be told I'll keep the details short and sweet. She initially had breast cancer. While they still label it that ... it can now be found in her lower back. Pray for peace and healing.
4. According to the doctor David has lost close to 50 pounds since we got married. Yep ... I'm starving him. LOL! Just kidding. I think its because I've never been the kind to buy chips, cookies and soda. So it's not easily at his fingertips like when he was with his parents. Meantime, I'm only about 5 pounds thinner then the day we got married. Boo!
That's all I can think of right now. So the next time you ask me "What's new?," don't be offended if I can't think of anything. Seriously ... this is the only stuff I could think of over the past month. :)