With all the wedding commotion this year my birthday was the last thing on my mind these past months. A far cry from last year when I turned 25 and wanted everyone in the world to be at my party and cheer me on into the next quarter of my life. This year with the turning of 26 ... I could care less. However thanks to my wonderful "husband-to-be" he wouldn't let it day go by without some hoopla.
He was actually the first to mention doing something for my birthday. We thought about going out to eat with close friends, but I could never decide on a place I wanted to go that wasn't too expensive or had terrible parking on a Friday night. That's when David had the idea of holding a BBQ at our house. We bought the house back in May but hadn't had an official "house warming" because ... again ... of all the wedding stuff going on. We both thought this would be the perfect oppourtunity.
We were able to buy a nice grill thanks to some gift cards and a gift return. We supplied all the meat and fixings and asked everyone else to bring a side dish. We ended up having A LOT of food left over ... which wasn't too bad I guess. I didn't have to grocery shop that week. It was a modge podge of people that came to the party. David had his friends from church, high school and I had friends from college and work. All in all about 17 people in the house. That's a lot ... but between the living room, kitchen and back deck it all worked out. We had some people stay late so we started a fire in the fire pit and sat around talking gossip and work.
Honestly I had soooo much fun! It was probably one of the best birthdays I've had in a while. Which is funny considering we didn't put too much effort into it. David bought me lamps for our bedroom and a gift certificate for a dinner date later. My family got me money so I could buy some clothes for the fall season.